Since 1986 we are accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service. We are the calibration lab first accredited for electrical quantities in Switzerland.
Our decades-long experience gives us the necessary expertise to fulfill even your most demanding tasks for your full satisfaction. Our laboratory is equipped with the very finest instruments, to calibrate your units reliable and within the shortest period of time possible.
If no unusual complications occur, you get your Instruments back within 5 working days.
We offer calibrations for electrical quantities and for temperature. You find a list of our customary services below.
Calibration of UUT according to manufacturers directive.Authoring of a measurement protocol listing all measured valuesELCAL or SCS CertificationManual- or software adjustment of the unit under test, if necessaryCalibration Sticker with cal date and serial numberPre Cal data with measurement values before adjustment on requestCalibration contractsManagement of your measurement equipment (call up of instruments due to calibration)Rental service for certified Calibrators and StandardsOn-site calibration
Our specialty are high-accuracy meters and calibrators of all manufacturers.
Please contact us for your questions regarding the calibration of any instrument and we will help you find a solution.
For calibration price requests please use the price request form, or just call.
As a SCS calibration lab, we are accredited for a large number of quantities in the field of electrical measurements. All accredited quantities and measurement uncertainties can be sighted in our Accreditation Scope.
Also, you can view our Accreditation Document.
- DC voltage
- DC current
- DC power
- DC resistance
- AC voltage
- AC current
- AC power
- Phase
- Capacitance
- Inductance
- RF Power
- Frequency (f)
- Time interval (t)
- Number of revolutions
- Oscilloscopes
- Flickermeter
We are capable of calibrating a vast number of instrument types and manufacturers. We do have automated calibration procedures for countless instruments.
The following list show some types of your most frequent customer units. (Order alphabetically)
- Analogue meter
- Calibrators
- Current Clamp
- Currentshunt
- Data logger
- Digital Multimeter
- Electrometer
- ESD Tester
- Frequency counter
- Frequency standart
- Function generator
- Installationtester
- Isolationtester
- Nanovoltmerter
- NIV Tester
- Oscilloscope
- Picoampmeter
- Power Analyzer
- Power Meter
- Resistance bridge
- RLC Meter
- RPM Meter
- Source Meter
- Standard capacitors
- Standard inductors
- Standard resistors
- Stopwatches
- Stroboscope
- Thermometer