Heimstrasse 46
CH-8953 Dietikon
Tel. 044 742 20 00
Fax 044 742 20 48
Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Here you find the most frequently asked questions and answers. Please select a question to reveal it's answer.

What is the difference between a calibration with a protocol, a calibration with an ELCAL Certificate and a calibration with a SCS Certificate?

At a calibration with protocol there will be given only the measured values and the percentage of the Unit under Test's allowed tolerance of all tested steps. If you wish to have a ELCAL Certificate you additionally will receive a document where ELCAL certifies that the calibrated instrument meets or exceeds all published specifications and has been calibrated using standards whose accuracies are traceable to METAS. Additional traceability information will be supplied with all used reference instruments listed with serial number and type.

On a SCS Certificate additionally there are listed all measurement uncertainties of every measured value. The SCS Certificate is a internationally recognized document, covered by the EA agreement.

If your Instrument is used for tractability of other instruments (Calibrators, Standards etc.) you should choose SCS Certification.

Who does the calibration documentation look like and what information does it contain?

Here we provide samples of all the calibration documents our company offers, have a look at the different types:

What services are included in a calibration?

A calibration at ELCAL includes the comparison to the reference value (as calibration is defined) and additionally adjustment of the instrument if necessary, since we don't believe in the usefulness of instruments who are out of tolerance. You receive a protocol and certificate for the "as left" status, meaning the state as we shipped the instrument back to you (after possible adjustment). Optionally we supply you with the "as found" data, with the measured values before adjustment.

For every unit we provide a job sheet, listing all work done by us. Your instrument will be labeled with a calibration sticker with type, serial number, date and an internal barcode. A clean down will be performed.

How do you dispatch the instruments, who do you prevent transportation damage, is the transport insured, what are the shipping costs?

Without any other instructions, we dispatch all instruments with the Swiss Post with "Signature" service. Your units are insured up to 1500 Fr against damage and loss. We pack all instruments with great care resulting in no noteworthy transportation damage in our company history. We charge the effective postage of the Swiss Post.

For units >30 kg we use a courier service.

I need a DKD, ÖKD, UKAS, NVLAP etc. certificate, can you issue one of those?

A SCS Certificate is covered by the EA Agreement absolutely equivalent in all signatory countries of the EA Agreement. A SCS Certificate is recognized by all States who are member of the ILAC or EA Agreement. It's not necessary to get a Certificate by a foreign accreditation service.

Can you calibrate my instruments on-site?

A on-site calibration is basically possible. Usually it makes more sense if you send/bring the instruments to us. In our accredited Lab we can provide the very best service possible, without any compromise. You will retrieve your units within max. 5 working days, shorter periods can be arranged on request.